Welcome to the #5,980,370,540,563,998,716,413 site on the Internet!

This is the END of the Internet! Thought the 'net was one unending wave? Think again. Your endless hours of clicking away are over. Anything you see after this site was either there already, and you just missed it, or you've seen it before but can't remember. Since this is the last page, why bother going on? Why don't you just close the browser and turn the infernal machine off? Is it because you forgot how? When was the last time you spent an afternoon in the park or reading a book? Chances are, you're currently in a room with drapes drawn and you're alone. How does it feel to reach the end of your substitution-for-a-life? Are the sneakers you bought last year still unwraped? Have you tried to watch TV and the mouse wouldn't work? Is your face less than 6 inches from this screen? Is there anything that can't be cooked in a microwave/toaster in your fridge? Have you left me in the past 6 hours other than for personal needs? DOES THE SUNLIGHT HURT YOU'RE EYES??? If you have answered yes to more than 1 of the last 6 questions (but less than 4) there is still hope. Grab the powercable that goes into my backside and YANK IT OUT! If the flash of sudden darkness doesn't shock you back to reality the grey smoke will. Say your last goodbye as my time (and yours!) has come. Cut the phone cord (the telco will have a fit, but your condition is drastic) and leave this room! If you have forgotten how to speak English, you may wish to return to grammar school...





If you're not freaked out yet, consioder a good HUMAN psychiatrist. or visit www.phree_scikiatrists.con